•Consumer Debt climbed by $52.4 billion an increase of 14%.
•Revolving Credit is up 21.4% at $1.103 trillion
•Credit Card Debt is currently at $841 billion
•Bankruptcy filings are up 33.5% after a two year decline due to aid from programs created during pandemic.
•Foreclosures are up 132% with 78,271 filings during the first quarter of the year.
**Americans are deep in debt and losing their homes**
•Banks do NOT lend money to borrowers who have high utilization rates and high debt-to-income ratio.
•Credit Scoring Models and Algorithms used by lenders to process applications are heavily skewered toward credit utilization and DTI.
•Debt Consolidation Loans are NOT an option for borrowers who have high credit utilization and DTI - AUTOMATICALLY DENIED
We provide financing to homeowners who meet our specific qualifications to pay off their debt which allows them to keep their homes, get their lives back on track, and continue living the American Dream.
Typically, these are borrowers who are in pre-foreclosure with limited options to keep their home and find themselves inundated with offers from wholesalers, short-sellers, realtors, and investors to buy their homes at below market value or offers from credit repair companies to assist in recovering their credit which is a process that will require time that they can no longer afford.
We can offer a viable solution which allows them to stay in their home.
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Equita Capital Partners AG